One has to ask how much of this is practiced using psychedelic drugs ?
Alter states of consciousness through meditation, psychedelic, all have played a part. Plato's ideas about reality no doubt were from drinking the soma.
i put this under news and world events.
because i didn't know where else to put it.. anybody interested in this subject feel free to comment a sorta satsang if you will.. do you think it is possible for one to achieve a mind state free from fear and all other negative emotional states and reach a higher plane of mental processes in encumbering the brain of processing negative emotions.. i think insight can be gained by looking at this subject psychologically and if their is a way to this nirvana state take it..
One has to ask how much of this is practiced using psychedelic drugs ?
Alter states of consciousness through meditation, psychedelic, all have played a part. Plato's ideas about reality no doubt were from drinking the soma.
i put this under news and world events.
because i didn't know where else to put it.. anybody interested in this subject feel free to comment a sorta satsang if you will.. do you think it is possible for one to achieve a mind state free from fear and all other negative emotional states and reach a higher plane of mental processes in encumbering the brain of processing negative emotions.. i think insight can be gained by looking at this subject psychologically and if their is a way to this nirvana state take it..
i put this under news and world events.
because i didn't know where else to put it.. anybody interested in this subject feel free to comment a sorta satsang if you will.. do you think it is possible for one to achieve a mind state free from fear and all other negative emotional states and reach a higher plane of mental processes in encumbering the brain of processing negative emotions.. i think insight can be gained by looking at this subject psychologically and if their is a way to this nirvana state take it..
this article is amazing.
there have been other recent articles about reversing aging in mice.
i'm writing this tread for the people out there that are still looking for some kind of answers.
people who feel the void that any organized thought system can produce.
people who know there is more to this life than our daily routine which eventually will end, when we no longer exist.
Keep us posted. Are you doing it with a genuine shaman?
i'm writing this tread for the people out there that are still looking for some kind of answers.
people who feel the void that any organized thought system can produce.
people who know there is more to this life than our daily routine which eventually will end, when we no longer exist.
you’ll find this article very long and very interesting.
it was published as part of a series of articles in a quality newspaper in southern norway.
as seen from the article, the journalists have been working on this article for several months.
The news articles around the world are getting better and better in exposing the WT corporation as evil and manipulative, they are done with so much research which btw is all because of the easy access of the internet.
Dateline & Panorama were just the first among many to do an expose of this horrible mind control cult that exploits people for profit$ around the world. The WT will never be able to out live this worldwide shame as one country after another finds out the true nature of this wolf in sheep's clothing thanks to the internet and investigative reporting.
consequences of living in a simulation[edit]some scholars speculate that the creators of our hypothetical simulation may have limited computing power; if so, after a certain point, the creators would have to deploy some sort of strategy to prevent simulations from themselves indefinitely creating high-fidelity simulations in unbounded regress.
Hey could happen but since time moves so much faster in a simulation it make take billions of our years to feel the effects. And if time, the past predicts the future and the future predicts the past you just might be turning on the simulation in theirs/ours.
consequences of living in a simulation[edit]some scholars speculate that the creators of our hypothetical simulation may have limited computing power; if so, after a certain point, the creators would have to deploy some sort of strategy to prevent simulations from themselves indefinitely creating high-fidelity simulations in unbounded regress.
it,s simple, i can not remember crap from my previous life.. the wife told me today if you come back in the next life, please.
take some science classes.. if i could remember a small percentage of my life today, just a little.
bit, man would it make a difference.. in school i would be 100% nerd, geek, book worm.